Stages of a Breakup

Bridget Jones’ Diary at the ready, Ben and Jerry’s in hand with an extra large glass of wine and a good cry…obviously the go to heartbreak plan we all indulge in. Your whole life has fallen apart and it feels like it’s never going to get better, right? We have all been there, and it’s certainly not pretty.

So here at Want That Trend we wanted to guide your through heartbreak and reassure you it won’t last forever.


Why? The biggest question asked after a break up, the desperation for answers. You’ll find yourself coming up with some logical explanation as to why it happened just to put off the dwelling sadness in your heart.

Denial and bargaining

You have this sudden feeling of denial, ‘it can’t be happening to me’ and this drives us to be the crazy women we don’t want to be. Ultimately leading us to go back, beg for forgiveness and to try again. What were we thinking?!


Anger is a big factor of a break up, whether it ended on good terms or bad, you still have every right to be angry that it ended.


We can’t lie to you, you may feel sad all the time – morning, midday, evening – and the worst is in the middle of the night when you’re all alone. The feeling of drowning in sadness isn’t unusual, but we can guarantee with a break up you have to be sad before you can be happy again!

The swap

So you’re slowly but surely starting to get it back together and the time comes to give each others things back. Yes, even your favourite jumper with his lingering after shave smell.. no holding onto the past. It’s just like ripping off a plaster.

The good news

After all of the tears, the anger and complete sadness, you will slowly start to accept the break up. You will learn you’re better off being independant and you only need yourself to make you happy. You will be a better person for it; you’ll learn your own standards of how you deserve to be treated, then settle for nothing less.

Be that strong independent woman that you are! And don’t forget retail therapy works wonders, so why not shop some of our favourite affordable clothes right now! New clothes for a new you!

Posted in Lifestyle

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